2016年1月29日 星期五



2016年1月27日 星期三

常態分佈 Normal Distribution


2016年1月23日 星期六

機率質量函數和機率密度函數 Probability Mass Function and Probability Density Function


2016年1月3日 星期日

Dejection 是大學的單字、rejection 卻是高中的單字

Rejected by his beloved, he falls into dejection...
大部份人應該對 reject 這個單字不陌生,那 deject 呢?他們和 abject、object、project 和 subject 同樣都出於拉丁文的 iacio (投擲),但是我們對 deject 甚至 abject 的認知不如 reject 來的好,我們也可能不知道 subject 也可以當做子民或使屈服等等其他意思。問題出在哪裡?

A quick post about the direction of current

Without a second thought we might say that the current heads to somewhere, from one component to another. But is it true that any current does have an orientation?

2016年1月1日 星期五

A quick post about the voltage drop across a motor.

When we are dealing with some exercises on a physics textbook, sometimes we could run into a question with a motor. Under most circumstances, we would be asked to calculate the power of the motor with only a few conditions provided. According to the formula you can't be more famaliar with, the power could be easily yielded with P = IV applied. But why is not V zero if we assume the resistance of any piece of wire to be 0?